La commission est un organe de promotion, de coordination et de conseil pour la recherche et la collaboration scientifique dans le domaine de la télédétection.

Image : NASA Earth Observatory, Jesse Allen and Robert Simmon

Abstract Volume Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2011, Zurich

Life and Planet Earth

Abstract Volume SGM 2011
  1. Structural Geology, Tectonics and Geodynamics.
  2. Mineralogy-Petrology-Geochemistry
  3. Low-Temperature Isotope Geochemistry
  4. Perspectives on batholith formation and evolution in 4D
  5. Geomorphology
  6. Quaternary Research
  7. Understanding and evaluation of soil functions (CANCELED)
  8. Hydrology and Sustainable Water Resources Management in View of Global Changes
  9. Open Cryosphere Session
  10. Meteorology and Climatology
  11. Greenhouse Gases: Linkages between Biosphere and Climate
  12. Natural or man-made mineral dust and its influence on humans, environment and climate
  13. Phenology and Seasonality
  14. Traces of life on planet Earth: A tribute to the late Professor Lukas Hottinger
  15. Geoscience and Geoinformation - From data acquisition to modelling and visualisation
  16. Earth System Science related Earth Observation
  17. Synergies between Advancements in Geodesy and other Geosciences
  18. Advances in GIScience and Remote Sensing
  19. Natural geohazards (CANCELED)
  20. Deep Geothermal Energy
  21. Geophysics and Rockphysics

Auteurs : Dr Pierre Dèzes, Plateforme Géosciences
Pages : 451


  • Géosciences


Dr Pierre Dèzes
Plateforme Géosciences
Maison des Académies
Case postale
3001 Berne
