The Swiss Commission on Remote Sensing represents Swiss institutions that are involved in remote sensing and photogrammetry, as well as related thematic domains. The commission aims at fostering technology, research and product generation among its members by enabling a transdisciplinary and inter-institutional dialogue.
The Swiss Commission on Remote Sensing
- supports and coordinates contacts and information transfer between Swiss institutions involved in remote sensing, photogrammetry and related thematic domains
- mediates between research partners and between researchers and practice-oriented actors in politics, administration, economy and international bodies. The commission is the central point of contact for remote sensing and photogrammetry research in Switzerland.
- fosters networking of national research partners with national and international organisations that use remotely sensed data. The commission maintains relations to relevant international actors (e.g., ESA, Eumetsat, WMO, GEO, CEOS, FutureEarth, IPCC, IPBES, NASA, etc.).
- sensitizes the research community, political decision makers and the public on the need and relevance of remote sensing technology and data as a contribution to solve regional, national and global problems. The commission stays in close collaboration with key bodies of the Swiss research policy and delivers its contributions to the respective key forums and messages.
- collaborates with the relevant actors of the remote sensing products chain, including all aspects ranging from technology and instruments development to data products generation and integration.
Swiss Commission on Remote Sensing (SCRS)
c/o Prof. Dr. Alexander Damm-Reiser
Department of Geography
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zurigo